Friday, October 3, 2008

How to PEEP on GIRLS and BOYS

This is what we usually do when we are way tooooooooo free...
i mastered something from this so called peeping thingy and i hereby to share with you...

Peep boys in the basketball court. This is the place where all the boys show their real identity.

If the boys play so gentleman,
he is a gentleman

If the man play like ladyboy
he is a ladyboy

If the man play like Brad Pitt
he is not Brad Pitt la but Bread Pig

Peep girls in a camp. This is the place where all the girls show their real identity.
Ask the girls go wash their own plates and cups.

If a girl washes the plates and cups like we owe her US $ 1 billion, forget about her, she doesnt know how to do houseworks

If a girl washes the plates and cups like she is in heaven, forget about her also, she is totally INSANE. Run as fast as you can if you see her.

If a girl washes the plates and cups like she is washing a plate and cup, this one BOLEH, can be accepted, NORMAL



Sharon said...

i'm sorry but this is really ridiculous and really lame... creative, but really lame...

Anonymous said...

ya lo ya lo~
la~ me~

Dreamz4ever said...

errrr...still trying very hard using these methods...-_-


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